On Thursday, July 25th, the Minister of Information and Civic Education (MoICE), Chernor Bah, visited the Independent Media Commission (IMC) and met with its Chairman, Commissioners, and staff.
During a meeting at the Commission’s conference room, 3rd Floor Kissy House, 54 Siaka Steven Street Freetown, the IMC Chairman Joseph E. Kapuwa Esq. welcomed the Minister and his entourage. The Executive Secretary of the Commission Khalil Kallon provided an overview of the Commission’s activities since the appointment and assumption of office by the current Chairman. These activities included:
A review of the Commission’s strategic plan to provide strategic vision of its activities.
A retreat in Kenema to align the Commission’s activities with the Chairman’s vision.
Weekly complaints hearings at the head office and a regional public complaint hearing in Kenema.
A consultation session in Freetown to review the IMC 2020 Act to address its shortcomings.
Regional familiarization visits in the North-West, North, South, and Eastern Regions.
Engagements with community radio station managers on restructuring governance and management and incorporating national development plans into their broadcasts.
The Executive Secretary also outlined the next steps for engaging community radios, focusing on reconstituting their governance structures to ensure they serve as democratic institutions providing a voice for the voiceless and fulfilling their public service responsibilities.
Commissioner James Tamba Lebbie discussed the review meetings mentioned by the Executive Secretary, highlighting both national and regional consultations. The national level focused on addressing the limitations of the IMC 2020 Act and provisions for online media regulation, while regional engagements sought input from community radio managers to support the role of community radios in rural areas in the implementation of government key development plans.
In his statement, Minister Bah expressed gratitude to the Commissioners and staff of the IMC, emphasizing the Commission’s critical role in the democratic process and the importance of freedom of expression and of the press. He praised Chairman Kapuwa’s dedication to bringing the Commission’s activities to the Ministry’s attention and reiterated the government’s commitment to a free media space, emphasizing the responsibilities accompanying it. He highlighted the need to regulate the reckless use of social media and urged the Commission to expedite the consultation processes on the 2020 IMC Act, aligning it with the forthcoming National Media Policy. Minister Bah expressed his intent to present the revised IMC Act to the cabinet soon.
Chairman Kapuwa informed the Minister about the Commission’s resolution to rigorously enforce the re-registration and renewal of licenses and registrations for media houses in accordance with the IMC 2020 Act. He expressed dissatisfaction with the proliferation of dormant media institutions and announced the Commission’s decision to cancel or suspend licenses and registrations of defaulting media institutions.
Commissioner Lebbie requested the Ministry’s assistance with capacity building and support for the community radio development project. Commissioner Ibrahim Barrie appealed for a more convenient office space, suggesting the old NaTCA building at Hill Station once the Authority moves to its new structure. Commissioner Regina Pratt requested vehicles to address the Commission’s transportation challenges. Commissioner Mustapha Sesay emphasized the importance of the Commission’s role in policy development with the Ministry of Information and Civic Education, advocating for the IMC to be a partner rather than just a participant in media policy development processes.
Responding to these concerns, Minister Bah reaffirmed the government’s commitment to the Commission’s independence and the citizens’ enjoyment of freedom of expression. He pledged to address the concerns raised both in a short and long term. The Minister also highlighted the need for effective regulation in the advertising industry, particularly billboard advertising, and collaboration with the Commission to combat hate speech.
Addressing the delay in delivering Actus Monitoring equipment funded by the European Union, the Minister promised to engage the European Union (EU) and International IDEA on procurement progress. He also committed to seeking World Bank support for providing renewable energy to electrify community radio stations.
In conclusion, Minister Bah assured the Commission of his efforts to secure office space in the building that NaTCA intends to vacate for its new facility.
A vote of thanks was delivered by Commissioner Ethel Johnson which brought the meeting to a close.