The Independent Media Commission has on Thursday 26th May 2022, paid a courtesy visit on the Regional Police Commander South in a bid to introduce the newly appointed Chairman and Commissioners of the Independent Media Commission to the SLP stakeholders in Bo.
The team was received by LUC Bo West Assistant Commissioner of Police Sheku Kamara on behalf of the Regional Police Commander South Commissioner Hillary Sao Kanu who was unavoidably absent due to official engagement.
He introduced a cross section of the SLP stakeholders to the team and welcomed them to the region of peace.
A brief introduction of the newly appointed Chairman, Commissioners and the entourage were done by the executive secretary of the IMC Mr. Khalilu Kallon with a brief explanation on the mandates and power of the IMC.
He further called on the Chairman of the Independent Media Commission *Doctor Victor Massaquoi to relate his message to ACP and team with regards the familiarization tour.
Doctor Victor Massaquoi on behalf of the IMC thanked the ACP and team for the warm welcomed.
He furthered that the purpose of their visit was to introduce the newly appointed Chairman and the Commissioners of the IMC to the SLP stakeholders in Bo for better acquaintance.
Given the above, he maintained that the Commission will on Friday 27th May 2022; engage journalists, media monitors, CSOs, all Political party representatives and stakeholders in a form of consultation on the draft elections reporting guidelines in order to help the Police to reduce the potential of violence in the forth coming general elections.
It is also but prudent for a Police to be represented for the SLP to be well aufait with some of these elections reporting guidelines in a bid to help eradicate blackmailing in journalism, he added.
“We have a good working relationship with the police so it is good to continue for a peaceful coexistence”, he opined.
Doctor Victor Massaquoi pleaded with ACP Kamara for police representation for the said engagement slated for Friday 27th May 2022.
Once again, ACP Kamara thanked the Chairman of the
Commission and team for the brilliant presentation and wished them a nice stay in Bo and a fruitful deliberation.