The Independent Media Commission, acting on internal monitoring report and numerous public concerns over an alleged inciting broadcast by Justice Radio at Kissy Freetown on 27th April 2022, in the programme titled, ‘The Justice Show’ (aired from 8:00 am -12:00 noon), conducted a monitoring visit to the radio station where the Management temporarily shut down the radio to diffuse tension.
The Complaint Committee of the Commission held an emergency hearing session today, 28th April 2022, to investigate the matter with the aim of responding to concerns. The Station Manager, Kelvin T.J.L Lamdo and key members of the management team, including Justince V. Boima the Anchor and Producer of the programme were summoned.
During the hearing the Commission confirmed that prior to the programme, the management of Justice Radio on the 23rd April 2022 filed a formal complaint alleging “provocation and threat to attack and destroy their radio station and kill a member of staff by a certain Sierra Leonean”, to the Kissy Division of the Sierra Leone Police and investigation is ongoing.
The IMC Complaints Committee operating within the scope of its mandate as provided in the IMC Act, 2020 (IMC Act No 5 of 2020), has established the fact of the matter and the ruling of the Commission will be published.
The Commission wishes to assure the public that appropriate measures will be taken to address the matter and restore sanity.
“In that respect, the IMC urges the Proprietors, Managers and Staffs of the radio stations and personalities named in the programme and members of the public to continue to exercise restraint,” urged the Chairman of the IMC, Victor Massaquoi (PhD).